.:The malinois:.

The ears approach the shape of an equilateral triangle and are stuff, erect, and in proportion to the head in size. The outer corner of the ear should not come below the center of the eye. Ears hanging, as on a hound, or semi-prick ears are disqualifications. The top of the skull is flattened rather than rounded with the width approximately the same as the length, but no wider. The stop is moderate. The muzzle is moderately pointed, avoiding any tendency to snippiness, and approximately equal in length to that of the topskull. The planes of the muzzle and topskull are parallel.
The jaws are strong and powerful. The nose is black without discolored areas. The lips are tight and black with no pink showing on the outside. The Belgian Malinois has a full complement of strong, white teeth that are evenly set and meet in a scissors or level bite. Overshot and undershot bites are a fault. An undershot bite in which two or more of the upper incisors lose contact with two or more of the lower incisors is a disqualification. One or more missing teeth is a serious fault.
Neck, Topline, Body: The neck is round and of sufficient length to permit the proud carriage of the head. It should taper from the body to the head. The topline is generally level. The withers are slightly higher and slope into the back which must be level, straight and firm from withers to hip joint. The croup is medium long, sloping gradually.

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