.:The malinois:.

. Metatarsi are of medium length, strong, and slightly sloped. The hind feet may be slightly elongated, with toes curved together and well padded. Nails are strong and black, except to match white toe tips.
Coat: The coat should be comparatively short, straight, hard enough to be weather resistant, with dense undercoat. It should be very short on the head, ears, and lower legs. The hair is somewhat longer around the neck where it forms a collarette, and on the tail and backs of the thighs. The coat should conform to the body without standing out or hanging down.
Color: The basic coloring is a rich fawn to mahogany, with black tips on the hairs, giving an overlay appearance. The mask and ears are black. The underparts of the body, tail, and breeches are lighter fawn, but washed-out fawn color on the body is a fault. Color should be considered a finishing point, not to take precedence over structure or temperament. The tips of the toes may be white and a small white spot on the breastbone/ prosternum is permitted, not to extend to the neck. White markings, except as noted, are faulted.
Gait: The movement is smooth, free and easy, seemingly never tiring, exhibiting facility of movement rather than a hard driving action. The Belgian Malinois single tracks at a fast gait, the legs, both front and rear, converging toward the center line of gravity, while the topline remains firm and level, parallel to the line of motion with no crabbing. The breed shows a market tendency to move in a circle rather than a straight line.


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